
  1. Relevant publications by Network members
    • Elder, O. and Mullen, A. (2019) The Language of Roman Letters: Bilingual Epistolography from Cicero to Fronto (Cambridge University Press)
    • Elder, O. 2018 Language and the politics of Roman identity (PhD thesis, University of Cambridge)
    • Elder, O. 2014 It's Better in Greek? Historical Implications of the Code-switching in Cicero's Letters (MSt dissertation, University of Oxford)
    • Mullen, A. 2015 ‘“In both our languages”: Greek-Latin code-switching in Roman literature’ Language and Literature 24.3, 213–232
    • Mullen, A. 2013 Southern Gaul and the Mediterranean. Multilingualism and Multiple Identities in the Iron Age and Roman Period (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) especially chapter 3
    • Mullen A and James P (eds) 2012 Multilingualism in the Graeco-Roman Worlds (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
  2. Editions of the main texts

    Details of editions used can be found in Elder, O. and Mullen, A. (2019) The Language of Roman Letters: Bilingual Epistolography from Cicero to Fronto (Cambridge University Press)

  3. References to secondary literature in the database and webpages

    All references to secondary literature cited here can be found in Elder, O. and Mullen, A. (2019) The Language of Roman Letters: Bilingual Epistolography from Cicero to Fronto (Cambridge University Press)