Aug. 96.2
ID | 991 |
Corpus | Suetonius |
Reference | Aug. 96.2 |
Reference 2 | n/a |
Date | |
Source | Narration |
Author | Suetonius |
Addressee | (unknown) |
Citation Greek Code Switch | Nicon |
Latin Context | apud Actium descendenti in aciem asellus cum asinario occurrit: homini Eutychus, bestiae Nicon erat nomen, utriusque simulacrum aeneum uictor posuit in templo in quod castrorum suorum locum uertit |
Inter/Intra Sentential | Intra |
Function Code Switch | Naming: personal name |
Flagging | |
Syntactic/Grammatical Info | |
Context | Describes incident before Battle of Actium when Augustus encountered a man called Eutychus and a beast called Nicon. Encounter taken as good omens after the victory. |
Comments | Understanding of Greek required to understand the significance of the two names |