Aug. 87.2

ID 988
Corpus Suetonius
Reference Aug. 87.2
Reference 2 n/a
Source Narration
Author Suetonius/"uulgo"
Addressee (unknown)
Citation Greek Code Switch lachanizare
Latin Context ponit assidue et pro stulto 'baceolum' et pro pullo 'pullaceum' et pro cerrito 'uacerrosum' et 'uapide' se habere pro 'male' et 'betizare' pro 'languere', quod uulgo 'lachanizare' dicitur; item 'simus' pro 'sumus' et 'domos' genetiuo casu singulari pro 'domus'
Inter/Intra Sentential Intra
Function Code Switch Referential
Flagging "Ponit 'languere', quod vulgo "lachanizare" dicitur" (flagged by Suetonius)
Syntactic/Grammatical Info
Context Discussion of peculiarities of Augustus' expression in his letters; several of the other alternatives = Latin forms or of unknown origin. Lachanizare is apparently the "vular term" for languere.
Comments This is the only instance of lachanizo in Latin script in TLL/OLD. Verb forms the basis for Augustus' coinage betizare below