Ad Marcum Antoninum de orationibus (p.102)

ID 1250
Corpus Fronto
Reference Ad Marcum Antoninum de orationibus (p.102)
Reference 2 VdH 154,1
Date 161 to 167
Source Letter
Author Fronto
Addressee Marcus Aurelius
Citation Greek Code Switch dicteria
Latin Context ut Laberius ait, 'dictabolaria', immo dicteria potius eum quam dicta confingere
Inter/Intra Sentential Intra
Function Code Switch GCS Literature/Rhetoric/Grammar?
Syntactic/Grammatical Info
Context Attacking Plautine expression.
Comments TLL: has 3 other attestations, one of which flagged 'in Graecia'. Possible candidate for c-s. Greek δεικτήριον. Patrick James: We may have a code-switch by Fronto to a very rare Greek word (only as a technical term that seems irrelevant to the context) or, more likely in my view, Fronto reflects an established, but marginal Latin term for a kind of song.