Ad M.Caes.ii.3.2 (p.130)

ID 1211
Corpus Fronto
Reference Ad M.Caes.ii.3.2 (p.130)
Reference 2 VdH 27,22
Date 143, post 13 August
Source Letter
Author Marcus Aurelius
Addressee Fronto
Citation Greek Code Switch μέγα πρᾶγμα
Latin Context igitur vale, decus eloquentiae Romanae, amicorum gloria, μέγα πρᾶγμα, homo iucundissime, consul amplissime, magister dulcissime.
Inter/Intra Sentential Intra
Function Code Switch Quotation: literary?
Syntactic/Grammatical Info
Context Given as one of a series of terms praising Fronto (other five are in Latin)
Comments Demosth.928.6 (Haines); VdH comm: unlikely to have been taken from Demosthenes (his ref = 35,15): Herod.3,132,2 has ἠν μέγιστον πρᾶγμα Δημοκήδης παρὰ βασιλέι. For μέγα πρᾶγμα of a man see also Menandr.Sam.175: more common = μέγα χρῆμα