Ad M.Caes.i.6.1 (p.154)
ID | 1207 |
Corpus | Fronto |
Reference | Ad M.Caes.i.6.1 (p.154) |
Reference 2 | VdH 10,5 |
Date | 143 |
Source | Letter |
Author | Marcus Aurelius |
Addressee | Fronto |
Citation Greek Code Switch | αὐ<τὸ> καὶ ὑπεκρινάμην (Haines); ὑπεκρινάμην (VdH) |
Latin Context | patri, domino meo, locum ex oratione tua, quem me eligere voluerat, ὑπεκρινάμην commode. |
Inter/Intra Sentential | Intra |
Function Code Switch | GCS Literature/Rhetoric/Grammar |
Flagging | |
Syntactic/Grammatical Info | |
Context | Discusses his declamation of the speech written by Fronto/the need for Fronto himself to read it aloud |
Comments | VdH comm: chooses this reading because Hauler's reading καὶ ὑπεκρινάμην, καὶ "does not make sense"/in Haines' reading, αὐτὸ cannot refer to locum. NB VdH also takes 'volerat' to precede the Greek whereas Haines reads 'voluit'. Haines: m2 adds αὐτὸ above the line. |