Ad M.Caes.i.8.7 [should be ii.1) (p.124)

ID 1133
Corpus Fronto
Reference Ad M.Caes.i.8.7 [should be ii.1) (p.124)
Reference 2 VdH 21,9-10
Date 143, post 13 August
Source Letter
Author Fronto
Addressee Marcus Aurelius
Citation Greek Code Switch εἴ τί σοι κακόν, εἰς Πυρραίων κεφαλήν
Latin Context male dum similiter ne umquam nos perturbes ut natali tuo perturbasti, cetera | minus laboro. εἴ τί σοι κακόν, εἰς Πυρραίων κεφαλήν
Inter/Intra Sentential Inter
Function Code Switch Quotation: proverb
Syntactic/Grammatical Info
Context Fronto expresses desire that MA remain well
Comments VdH comm: Paroem.Graeci I p.84: εἴ τι κακὸν, εἰς Πύρραν. Proverb also found in Plut.prov.109/variant in Plut.Moral.146 E. Pyrrha, a town on Lesbos, was hated by its neighbours = desire that if evil came, it might fall upon the Pyrrhaeans.