Gram. et rhet. 14.2

ID 1052
Corpus Suetonius
Reference Gram. et rhet. 14.2
Reference 2 n/a
Source Quotation: Letter
Author Cicero
Addressee Dolabella
Citation Greek Code Switch τοῦ <ποιητοῦ an παρεμβεβλημένοι>
Latin Context ego tamquam criticus antiquus iudicaturus sum utrum sint τοῦ <ποιητοῦ an παρεμβεβλημένοι>.
Inter/Intra Sentential Intra
Function Code Switch GCS Literature/Rhetoric/Grammar
Syntactic/Grammatical Info
Context In a letter to Dolabella, C. describes his role acting as arbiter between Nicias and Vidius: compares himself to a critic deciding on authenticity of poet's line
Comments NB this part of quotation omitted by mss. of Suetonius; restored from Cicero by Aldus from Fam.9.10. Note Latin 'an' in middle of Greek