Gram. et rhet. 10.5

ID 1050
Corpus Suetonius
Reference Gram. et rhet. 10.5
Reference 2 n/a
Source Quotation: Letter
Author Lucius Ateius Philologus
Addressee Laelius Hermas
Citation Greek Code Switch hylen
Latin Context de quorum tamen copia sic altera ad eundem Hermam epistula significat: hylen nostram aliis memento commendare, quam omnis generis coegimus, uti scis, octingentos in libros.
Inter/Intra Sentential Intra
Function Code Switch Naming: title of work
Syntactic/Grammatical Info
Context Title of Ateius Philologus' book; writes to Hermas to ask him to recommend it to everyone. NB Suetonius comments that Ateius Praetextus adopted the name Philologus because he 'regarded himself as a man of wide and varied learning' (trans. Rolfe)
Comments Greek equivalent of Latin 'silva' meaning a collection of material for a literary work