Ner. 37.2

ID 1012
Corpus Suetonius
Reference Ner. 37.2
Reference 2 n/a
Source Narration
Author Suetonius
Addressee (unknown)
Citation Greek Code Switch polyphago
Latin Context creditur etiam polyphago cuidam Aegypti generis crudam carnem et quidquid daretur mandere assueto concupisse uiuos homines laniandos absumendosque obicere
Inter/Intra Sentential Intra
Function Code Switch Referential
Syntactic/Grammatical Info
Context Passage about Nero's cruelty: desired to throw living men to be devoured by a monster "of Egyptian birth"
Comments Earliest instance of this word in Latin literature: later also appears in the Origo Gentis Romanae