Ner. 21.1

ID 1006
Corpus Suetonius
Reference Ner. 21.1
Reference 2 n/a
Source Narration
Author Suetonius
Addressee (unknown)
Citation Greek Code Switch agona
Latin Context cum magni aestimaret cantare etiam Romae, Neroneum agona ante praestitutam diem reuocauit flagitantibusque cunctis caelestem uocem respondit quidem in hortis se copiam uolentibus facturum
Inter/Intra Sentential Intra
Function Code Switch GCS Contest/Entertainment
Syntactic/Grammatical Info
Context Nero repeats the 'Neronian contests' in the city of Rome
Comments Word also appears in Plin. Ep. IV.xxii.3 (catagorised as not likely a c-s), but S. does seem to be playing up the 'Greekness' of Nero's contests here/could have used certamina (as he does for example at the end of Ner.22.3)